How It Works
Set of script commands allowing you to build reports. Reports generally present data mined from
one or multiple portfolios.
There are three ways to execute a report:
- with the Dashboard resource in a portfolio,
from the Execute Report Script page with the code of the portfolio containing the report
from the Execute Report Script page with a CSV file (see Batch for CSV file format).
In the CSV file, the first two lines (global variables) are ignored.
The commands:
The commands inside this element are executed for each portfolio that corresponds to the
criteria in Select Portfolios
Fields to populate:
References to Init
Optional: list of variable (separated by a forward slash)
to reset for each new portfolio. The variables may have been previously declared in another
command or may be declared for the first time here.
Select Portfolios
jQuery test allowing you to select portfolios amongst all
those visible to the user. Examples:
Selects the portfolios where the code contains
Selects the portfolios where the code contains
the value of the variable porfolio_code.
Sort - Semantic Tag
Optional: semantic tag of the node to be used to
sort the portfolios. If not used, the portfolios are presented in the natural order of
the portfolio codes.
Sort - Element
Value of the selected node to be used to sort the
portfolios. The options are: node lable, resource value, node code or value of an
Item element (drop-down menu of available options).
The commands inside this element are executed for each portfolio that corresponds to the
criteria in Select Portfolios
. Contrary to the previous command, only a specified
node (Tag sémantique
) is loaded rather than the entire portfolio. This leads to
faster execution in the case of large portfolios.
Fields to populate:
References to Init
Optional: list of variable (separated by a forward slash)
to reset for each new portfolio. The variables may have been previously declared in another
command or may be declared for the first time here.
Select Portfolios
jQuery test allowing you to select portfolios amongst all
those visible to the user. Examples:
Selects the portfolios where the code contains
Selects the portfolios where the code contains
the value of the variable porfolio_code.
Sort - Semantic Tag
Optional: semantic tag of the node to be used to
sort the portfolios. If not used, the portfolios are presented in the natural order of
the portfolio codes.
Sort - Element
Value of the selected node to be used to sort the
portfolios. The options are: node lable, resource value, node code or value of an
Item element (drop-down menu of available options).
Semantic Tag
Semantic tag of the node(s) to load for execution.
The commands inside this element are executed for each user that corresponds to the
criteria in Select Persons
Fields to populate:
References to Init
Optional: list of variable (separated by a forward slash)
to reset for each new user. The variables may have been previously declared in another
command or may be declared for the first time here.
Select Persons
Jquery test allowing you to select users amongst all in the
system. Examples:
Selects the user with Karuta login "olivier".
Selects the user with Karuta login equal to
the value of the variable identifier.
The commands inside this element are executed for each portfolio element that corresponds
to the criteria in Node Type
, Semantic Tag
and Test
Fields to populate:
References to Init
Optional: list of variable (separated by a forward slash)
to reset for each new portfolio element. The variables may have been previously declared
in another command or may be declared for the first time here.
Node Type
Type of elements to select (drop-down menu of available options).
Semantic Tag
Semantic Tag of elements to select.
Optional: jQuery test allowing you to select elements amongst those
that correspond to the two previous criteria. If not used, all elements that correspond
to the two previous criteria are processed.
Karuta Predefined Tests:
Sorts the list of nodes on their label, ascending order.
Sorts the list of nodes on their label, descending order.
Checks whether a Document element contains a file
(checks the element is not empty).
Checks whether a URL element contains a hyperlink
(checks the element is not empty).
Checks whether a TextField or Field element contains text
(checks the element is not empty).
Karuta predefined tests may be combined. For example: .sort().first()
returns the first element of the sorted list.
Examples jQuery functions:
Returns the first element of the list.
Returns the list without it's first element.
Returns the last element of the list.
Returns the elements where the code contains "2".
Returns the elements of
the same hierarchical level (in the XML tree) with semantic tag "job-title".
Returns the last submitted element.
Returns the last visible element.
Returns elements that have a child (in the hierarchy of the XML tree) with semantic tag
"visibility-cv-short" and whose code contains "@1".
.sortElements(function(a, b){ return $("code",$("asmResource[xsi_type=Get_Resource]",a))
.text() > $("code",$("asmResource[xsi_type=Get_Resource]",b)).text() ? 1 : -1; })
Sorts on the Get_Resource code.
The commands inside this element are executed for each line of the CSV file. This element
must contain at least one of the following elements: ForEachPerson
or ForEachPortfolioNode
In the case of a ForEachPerson
in the attribute Select Persons
, if the value is "username=identifier"
(without quotes), Karuta will replace "identifier" by the value of the local variable
identifier of the CSV file.
In the case of a ForEachPortfolio
or ForEachPortfolioNode
in the attribute Select Portfolios
, if the value is "code=portfolio_code"
(without quotes), Karuta will replace "portfolio_code" by the value of the local variable
portfolio_code of the CSV file.
Draws an HTML Table element.
Field to populate:
References to Init
Optional: list of variable (separated by a forward slash)
to reset. The variables may have been previously declared in another command or may be
declared for the first time here.
Draws an HTML Row element.
Field to populate:
References to Init
Optional: list of variable (separated by a forward slash)
to reset. The variables may have been previously declared in another command or may be
declared for the first time here.
Draws an HTML Cell element. Usually contains either a Node element, a Text element or a Table element
(to draw complex tables).
Displays hard-coded text: fixed text that does not depend on the values contained in the portfolio
(for example column headers). Usually used in a Cell element.
Fields to populate:
Optional: variable used in aggregates. If used, the variable records
the value obtained by the attribute Text to Display
Text to Display
The text to display.
Displays text mined from a portfolio element (for example the value entered by a user
in the element). Usually used in a Cell element.
Fields to populate:
Optional: variable used in aggregates. If used, the variable records
the value obtained by the attribute To Display
Node Type
Type of the element to select (drop-down menu of available options).
Semantic Tag
Semantic Tag of the element to select.
To Display
Value of the selected node to display. Options are:
node label, resource value, node code or value of Item element (drop-down menu of
available options).
Displays the sum or average of the values contained in a variable. The variable has
previously been declared in the References to Init
attribute of an element
and has collected the values of the elements where it is referenced (attribute
). Usually used in a Cell element.
Fields to populate:
Optional: variable used in aggregates. If used, the variable records
the value obtained by the aggregation.
Aggregation Type
Sum or average (drop-down menu of available options).
Select Reference
Name of the variable that contains the values to aggregate.
Inserts in the table a hyperlink to a specified page of the portfolio. The portfolio must
contain only one page with the specified semantic tag.
Field to populate:
Semantic Tag
Semantic tag of the page the link must point to.
Initiates an SVG vector drawing. The available commands (see Draw Web Axis and
Draw Web Line below) allow you to build star diagrams like the one shown here:
The Table element containing the SVG element must have the following instruction
in the "Other CSS" field ("CCS" tab): "width:100%;".
Fields to populate:
Minimum width (default 100%).
Minimum height (default 500px).
Draw Web Title
Displays the title of the SVG drawing.
Fields to populate:
Title - Node Type
Type of the element to select (drop-down menu of
available options).
Title - Semantic Tag
Semantic Tag of the element to select.
Title - To Display
Value of the selected node to display as drawing
title. Options are: node label, resource value, node code or value of Item element
(drop-down menu of available options).
Draw Web Axis
Draws the axes of the star, with their labels.
Fields to populate:
Optional: variable used in aggregates. If used, the variable records
the value obtained by the attribute Axis - To Display
Axis - Node Type
Type of the element to select (drop-down menu of
available options).
Axis - Semantic Tag
Semantic Tag of the element to select.
Axis - To Display
Value of the selected node to display as axis label.
Options are: node label, resource value, node code or value of Item element (drop-down menu
of available options).
Draw Web Line
Positions the values on the corresponding axes and traces a line between the values (to
form the star). Also displays the SVG element's caption. Multiple Draw Web Line may be
defined in the same SVG element. The stars will then lay over each other on the same axes.
Fields to populate to position the values on the axes:
Optional: variable used in aggregates. If used, the variable records
the value obtained by the attribute To Display
Node Type
Type of the element to select (drop-down menu of
available options).
Semantic Tag
Semantic Tag of the element to select.
To Display
Value of the selected node to position on the axis.
Options are: node label, resource value, node code or value of Item element (drop-down menu
of available options).
Fields to populate to graduate the axes:
Min Value
Starting value to graduate the axes.
Max Value
Final value to graduate the axes.
Fields to populate to build the caption:
Legend - Node Type
Type of the element to select (drop-down menu of
available options).
Legend - Semantic Tag
Semantic Tag of the element to select.
Legend - Afficher
Valeur du noeud sélectionné à afficher dans la légende.
Les options sont : libellé du noeud, valeur de la ressource, code du noeud ou
valeur d'un élément Item (liste déroulante des choix possibles).
Legend - Position
Integer specifying the relative position of the caption
(default is 0, lowest position).
Show Sharing
Displays the users shared with a portfolio (with the role they are shared in). Usually
used in a Cell element.
Go Parent
Backs up one level to the parent of the current node in the XML tree.
QR Code
Displays the QR Code for the BubbleMap element present in the portfolio. The BubbleMap
element is identified automatically by Karuta (this only works if there is only one
BubbleMap element in the portfolio).
Mise en forme