A Section element groups portfolio pages together. A Section may contain any other Karuta element: Sections, Pages, Subsections and Resource elements (Resources are the data elements).
The structural elements organize the data in a portfolio.
In the XML representation of the portfolio, the structural elements are the branches of the tree, while the data (the Resource elements) are the leaves of the tree.
The Karuta structural elements are:
A Section element groups portfolio pages together. A Section may contain any other Karuta element: Sections, Pages, Subsections and Resource elements (Resources are the data elements).
A Page is the basic element through which portfolios are viewed and used. A Page may contain Subsections and Resources.
A Subsection element groups Resources together. A Subsection may contain Subsections and Resources.
A Resource is the terminating element of a tree (the leaves). A Resource is not a structural element, it contain the data of the portfolio. There are multiple types of resources (see RESOURCES).