
Complete portfolios, parts of portfolios or even specific resources can be shared by a given user through a custom button. Users who receive the sharing will be notified by email (the email contains a hyperlink to the shared portfolio).

They will then be able to intervene in the portfolio according to the role that has be assigned to them. The sharing function enables two scenarios:

  1. notify one of the portfolio users that they need to intervene;
  2. allow a user who does not currently have the rights to intervene in a portfolio to do so.

In a Portfolio

In this example, if in his or her portfolio the student clicks on "Share With a Peer", the system sends an email to the peer with a hyperlink to a section of the portfolio in which they can enter their comment.

The sharing specification is done in the metadata tab of a section, page, sub-section or even a resource.

In the Metadata

The conditions of this sharing are very sophisticated; here are some common use-cases:

Use-case 1 — The student can show his portfolio to anyone (Karuta user or not) in read only mode (no editing rights).

role who shares,recipient role,roles and/or emails,level (0-4),link validity (in hours),button label@en [,condition][;other sharing]


Note 1: The "?" symbol replacing the role or email of the person to share with means that when the student clicks on Share, a window will open to allow him to specify the recipient's email.
Note 2: For this to work, when instantiating the portfolio the role "all" must be shared with the user "public".

Use-case 2 — The student can show his portfolio to anyone (Karuta user or not) in read-only mode (no editing rights) but the sharing has a limited duration of 24 hours.

role who shares,recipient role,roles and/or emails,level (0-4),link validity (in hours),button label@en [,condition][;other sharing]


Note 1: The "?" symbol replacing the role or email of the person to share with means that when the student clicks on Share, a window will open to allow him to specify the recipient's email.
Note 2: For this to work, when instantiating the portfolio the role "all" must be shared with the user "public".

Use-case 3 — The student requests for his teacher to proceed with his Request an evaluation; the teacher has a Karuta account and the student's portfolio was linked with his account in the "teacher" role at the time of instantiation.

role who shares,recipient role,roles and/or emails,level (0-4),link validity (in hours),button label@en [,condition][;other sharing]

student,teacher,teacher,1,12,Request an Assessment@en

The teacher receives an email and simply clicks on the hyperlink to proceed with the evaluation.

Use-case 4 — The student requests for his internship supervisor to proceed with his assessment; the internship supervisor does not have a Karuta account.

role who shares,recipient role,roles and/or emails,level (0-4),link validity (in hours),button label@en [,condition][;other sharing]

student,supervisor,,3,12,Request an Assessment@en

The supervisor receives an email and simply clicks on the hyperlink to proceed with the evaluation; he does not have to identify himself in the Karuta system. The hyperlink is valid for 12 hours.

Use-case 5 — The student asks one of his colleagues to add a comment in his portfolio (peer evaluation); the colleague has a Karuta account.

role who shares,recipient role,roles and/or emails,level (0-4),link validity (in hours),button label@en [,condition][;other sharing]

student,peer,?,1,12,Request a Peer Comment@en

The colleague receives an email and just has to click on the hyperlink to add his comment.

Note: The "?" symbol replacing the role or email of the person to share with means that when the student clicks on "Request a Peer Comment", a window will open to allow him to specify the peer's email. It is assumed here that the student has a great number of colleagues and that the designer did not specify which colleague will be mobilized, so as to give the student more latitude.

General cases: the two tables below explain the possible values of the parameters in the sharing box.

Role who shares Usually the student, but all users that have been linked to the portfolio in a specific role can also share.
Recipient Role Role the recipient will have in the portfolio (for example, if "supervisor" then the recipient can do what a supervisor can do in the portfolio).
Roles and/or Emails The recipient's role in the portfolio or his email:
  • For example, if "supervisor" then the sharing email will be sent to the account that has supervisor role on this portfolio. The user does not manually specify whom to share with, this is determined by Karuta.
  • An email address may be specified if the recipient is known in advance.
  • If "?" a dialog box will ask the user to enter the email address of the person with whom to share the portfolio.
Level (0,4) The security level determines whether to ask the recipient to log into their Karuta account before accessing the shared content. It also allows a person who doesn't have a Karuta account to edit portfolio content (level 3).
Link Validity (in hours) For security reasons, the designer may specify the life span of the link that will be sent.
Button Label@en Label of the sharing button / menu option.
Condition For example: submitted=='Y' (optional).

Level Conditions
0 The recipient has a Karuta account and the portfolio is already linked with this account in the correct role. If the recipient is not logged into Karuta he or she will be asked to do so before he can access the portfolio content.
1 The recipient has a Karuta account and the portfolio is already linked with this account in the correct role. If the recipient is not logged into Karuta he or she will NOT have to do so: clicking on the hyperlink will automatically lead he or she into the portfolio.
2 The recipient has a Karuta account but the portfolio is NOT already linked with this account in the correct role (linking will be done on the fly by Karuta). If the recipient is not logged into Karuta he or she will NOT have to do so: clicking on the hyperlink will automatically lead he or she into the portfolio.
3 The recipient does NOT have a Karuta account. A temporary account will be created on the fly by Karuta.
4 The recipient gets a read-only access to the portfolio section being shared. During instanciation of the portfolio, the "all" role must be linked with the user "public".