Short Text
The Short Text element is a text field. It is used to enter short data, like a name. Usually the Edit right of the element will be attributed to a role, like student or teacher.
Resource elements contain the data of a portfolio. Each resource element has a list of rights (See, Edit, Submit, etc). One or multiple roles (for example student or teacher) may be specified for each of these rights. The roles for futur end-users of a portfolio are created by the portfolio designer.
Note that the designer has all the rights on all portfolio elements while building the portfolio. It is sometimes useful for the designer to pre-fill data in Resource elements to supply information to end-users (for example supply instructions or attach a file to the portfolio). In this case, the Edit right is generally not attributed to any role.
In the XML representation of the tree, the resource elements are the leaves of the tree.
Some of the Karuta Resource elements are:
The Short Text element is a text field. It is used to enter short data, like a name. Usually the Edit right of the element will be attributed to a role, like student or teacher.
The Long Text element is used to enter a longer text. A basic text editor with simple layout options is available to the end-user with the Edit right on this element. This element is also useful to include instructions in the portfolio, from to designer to the end-users. In this case, the Edit right is not attributed to any role.
The Comment element is a TextField element which is signed and timestamped. The user name along with date and time are added at the end of the comment.
The Image element allows the designer or the end-user with the Edit right on the element to upload an image file to the portfolio (all regular formats are accepted). The image is then displayed in the portfolio. It is possible to give the end-user with the Edit right on this element an additional right to modify the display size of the image (otherwise the display size is set by the portfolio designer).
The Audio element allows the upload of an MP3 file to the portfolio. A basic audio player is available to listen to the uploaded file. Only the end-user with the Edit right may upload a file into this element, but any user with the See right (by default all, all roles), may listen to it.
The Video element allows the upload of an MP4 file to the portfolio. A basic video player is available to watch to the uploaded file. Only the end-user with the Edit right may upload a file into this element, but any user with the See right (by default all, all roles), may watch it.
The Document element allows the upload of a file of any type to the portfolio. Contrary to the Image, Audio and Video elements, the content of the file is not displayed directly in the portfolio — but the file is available for download by any user with the See right on the element.
The oEmbed element allows the end-user with the Edit right on the element to embed content in the portfolio (like slides, videos, etc) that are hosted on a third-party site (like Youtube, Vimeo, etc). A basic player is available to view the content within the portfolio directly. For more information on oEmbed elements, see
The URL element allows the specification a hyperlink. A label may also be specified, in which case it will be displayed on the link instead of the url. Any user with the See role on the element may follow the link. The hyperlink must lead outside Karuta — for links within Karuta see URL2Unit (next paragraph).
The URL2Unit element allows the specification of a hyperlink to another page of the portfolio. It may be used to by the designer to create navigation links other than the left-hand navigation menu, or it may be used by the end-user to specify certain pages of their portfolio they consider particularly important.
With a SendEmail element, a user may send an email to a predefined recipient without the recipient's email address being revealed to the user.
The Calendar element allows the designer or the end-user with the Edit right on the element to pick a date in a calendar.
The Color element allows the designer or the end-user with the Edit right on the element to pick a color in a color palette.
The Dashboard element executes a report script (from a Report Portfolio) and displays the resulting html table.
The GetResource element allows you to build a list of elements amongst which the end-user must make a choice. The elements that will fill the choice box are Resource elements of type Item (see below) and are created in a separate portfolio - the Rubrics Portfolio. Which elements of the Rubrics Portfolio to display in the choice box is specified in the Query metadata of the GetResource element (see METADATA).
The GetGetResource element is a choice box whose Items are restricted by the choice a user made in a previous GetResource element. The user's selection in the first choice box determines which options will be displayed in the second. Which Items of the Rubrics Portfolio to display in the choice box is specified in the Query metadata of the GetGetResource element (see METADATA).
The GetDoubleResource allows you to build two independent choice boxes within one single element.
The Item element is one option in a choice box. We group a project's Item elements in a Rubrics portfolio.
The Proxy element allows you to display a portfolio element in a different portfolio. It is possible to give the end-user the right to modify the element displayed by proxy, in which case the value of the original element is automatically updated.