Metadata of a Karuta element
Element metadata allow the designer to attribute unique identifiers to an element and also to
define it's behavior. For example, in the case of structural elements, we may define user-specific
menus that allow the designer or even an end-user to add additional elements inside this structural
element. In the case of resource elements, we may define the roles attributed to each right (who
can do what on each element). It is also in the metadata that we specify which elements will fill
a choice-box. Finally we may also specify which users will be able to share their portfolio with
other parties, and under which conditions.
Metadata is accessed through an element's editing box.
Some of the Karuta elements' metadata:
Semantic Tag
An element's Semantic Tag expresses it's semantics. It is also the means to search for an element
in a portfolio: the semantic tag is used in the Query field of an element (see Query below) as well
as in batch and report scripts.
Note: search of a semantic tag is inclusive — for example, the search for all elements with
semantic tag "competency" will also yield all elements with the semantic tag "sub-competency", as
the chain of characters of the first is included in the second.
The Code of a portfolio element must be unique within this portfolio. It is used in choice boxes
(Get_Resource element, Get_Get_Resource element, Get_Muliple menu, Get_Get_Multiple menu and
Import_Multiple menu) to identify the end-user's selection.
By default, both the element's code and label are displayed in the choice box, and then only
the label of the user's selection is displayed in the Resource element. This behavior may be
modified by adding one or more of the following symbols to the element's code:
the code will not be displayed in the choice box
the code will be displayed in the Resource element
the associated value will be visible in the Resource element
(Item elements only)
the label will not be displayed in the Resource element
the label will not be displayed in the choice box
Multilingual Node
An element's Multilingual Node attribute specifies whether the element's Label is multilingual
(in the case of multilingual Karuta installations). If it is, two different labels can be specified
for the element (one in each language). If it is not, the element's label will be the same
independently of what language the portfolio is being viewed in (the value of the label will be
stored in the language defined as default language in the configuration file _init.js).
Note: the code is never multilingual. It has the same value independently of the selected viewing
Multilingual Resource
An element's Multilingual Resource attribute specifies whether the data supplied for the element is
multilingual (in the case of multilingual Karuta installations). If it is, two different data sets
can be specified for the element (one in each language). If it is not, the element's data
will be the same independently of what language the portfolio is being viewed in (the data will be
stored in the language defined as default language in the configuration file _init.js).
Example: a person's name or birthdate is usually not language dependent (not multilingual) whereas
an essay or instructions are different in each language.
Encrypt Resource
This element attribute specifies whether the data in a Resource element is encrypted. If so,
a key phrase is requested from the user when they open the portfolio. This phrase is used to
encrypt and decrypt the data. It is not stored in the portfolio and thus must be memorized by
the end-user.
Roles - See
The list of user roles (separated by a space character) that may see the element. For example:
student teacher.
By default, this right is attributed to the role all. It is the only right to have a
default value.
Roles - Delete
The list of user roles (separated by a space character) that may delete the element.
Roles - Edit Resource
The list of user roles that may enter data in the element (only for Resource elements).
The list of user roles that may add a comment to the element. Comments are timestamped and signed
with the user name. A text editor is available to the users with the correct role for the purpose
of comment writing.
Note: The user role with the Comment right must also have the Edit Resource right on the element.
Roles - Submit
The list of user roles that may submit the element. Once submitted, the Edit Resource and Delete
rights are removed, for the element and all it's children. A submit button is available to
the users with the correct role for the purpose of submission.
The Query field is used for:
- choice boxes (Get_Resource and Get_Get_Resource elements)
- custom menus on Sections, Pages and Subsections
- choice boxes allowing multiple user choices implemented through menus (Get_Multiple,
Get_Get_Multiple and Import_Multiple menus)
Format for Get_ (either Get_Resource or Get_Multiple)
: Code of rubrics portfolio in which to search for the specified
semantic tag. Format is 'project code.rubrics portfolio code'. If 'project code.' is not present,
search for the rubrics portfolio will be in the current project (project containing the Get_).
: Semantic tag of elements to search for in the rubrics portfolio.
: Reserved word.
Format Get_Get_ (either Get_Get_Resource or Get_Get_Multiple)
: Code of rubrics portfolio in which to search.
: Position, in the current portfolio, of the parent element which will
restrict the search in the rubrics portfolio. One of the following values: child,
sibling, parent, parent.parent, parent.parent.parent
: Semantic tag of parent element (restricts the search inside this
parent element in the rubrics portfolio).
: Semantic tag of elements to search for in the rubrics portfolio.
: Reserved word.
Menu - Get_Multiple
This function allows the user to select multiple items from a list. For each item selected by the
user, an reusable component is added to the portfolio. This component is usualy a Get_Resource element,
but it may also be a structural element containing, amongst other things, the Get_Resource element. In
any case, the user's choice is set by Karuta in the Get_Resource element.
: Reserved word.
: Reserved word.
: Query of the Get_Resource element (see Query above).
: Reusable component to add to the portfolio
(Get-Resource element or more complex component containing the Get_Resource element).
: Semantic tag of the Get_Resource element.
: User menu label.
: List of roles that have this menu (separated by a space character).
Menu - Get_Get_Multiple
Same as the previous function, except the choices available to the user in the list are restricted
by the selection in a parent element (as in Get_Get_Resource elements).
: Reserved word.
: Reserved word.
: Query of the Get_Get_Resource element.
: Reusable component to add to the portfolio
(Get_Get_Resource element or more complex component containing the Get_Get_Resource element).
: Semantic tag of the Get_Get_Resource element.
: User menu label.
: List of roles that have this menu (separated by a space character).
Menu - Import_Multiple
Menu - Import_GGMultiple
Sharing by the end-user